Ep. 14 "Cool Teenagers"

Released Friday, June 8, 2012

Why do teenage guys have such trouble hitting high notes? In Episode 14, Justin Stoney discusses the physical and mental factors that can sometimes limit the range of the young male voice.

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Ep. 26 "Baritone Curse"

8/31/2012 Ep. 26 "Baritone Curse"

Are you a baritone who yearns to be a tenor? Maybe you feel cursed to never hit the high notes that you've always wanted. In Episode 26, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney discusses whether it's possible to break the curse and discover your upper range as a baritone.
Ep. 96 “How To Sing The AY Vowel - The DAY Arrives!”

12/7/2017 Ep. 96 “How To Sing The AY Vowel - The DAY Arrives!”

Throughout our series, we have investigated the advantages of disadvantages of singing many different Vowel sounds. In Episode 96, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching explores the AY Vowel and what it can do to benefit your vocal technique. Through vocal tips, demonstrations, and a singing exercise - you’ll improve the strength, tone, and beauty of your singing voice.
Ep. 32 "Spreading"

12/7/2012 Ep. 32 "Spreading"

What does it mean to "spread" as a singer? And why do singers struggle so much with spreading? In Episode 32, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney discusses the mechanics of spreading and why it can be such a severe limitation to singers. He also offers concepts and exercises to help eliminate this problem from your singing.