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  • Intermediate Part 1 (Male)

    The Intermediate Vocal Course is designed to expand vocal horizons. Many beginners will be able to succeed at this course while many advanced singers may be surprised at it’s difficulty. Working on the Intermediate Vocal Course will solidify a broad range of vocal skills that singers of all levels struggle with. The Intermediate Vocal Course helps to expose vocal issues and solve those issues through appropriate vocal exercises.


  • Master Vocal Course (Female)

    Includes Master Part 1, Master Part 2, and Master Part 3
    The Master Vocal Course is one of the most difficult vocal challenges you may ever find. The difficulty level will make even elite singers realize that there is more to learn and gives them the chance to learn it. While this part of the course isn’t for everyone, all singers will find something to aspire to and work towards. Please only attempt this course if you are confident in your vocal abilities and looking for a serious challenge. And also… ENJOY!


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