Ep. 53 "The Singer's Diet"

Released Sunday, December 29, 2013

A great diet is as important to your singing and vocal health as anything else! In Episode 53, Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching talks about which foods can help or potentially limit your vocal growth. Develop a guilt-free, fear-free Singer's Diet to help you sing at your best!

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Ep. 44 "Three In One"

7/22/2013 Ep. 44 "Three In One"

In Episode 44, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching answers three great vocal questions in one episode! Questions about throat clearing, yawning, and gaining weight to sing are all addressed in this fun and informative episode.
New York Vocal Coaching

5/18/2016 New York Vocal Coaching

New York Vocal Coaching in Midtown Manhattan is NYC’s leading Vocal Studio founded by internationally-recognized Voice Teacher Justin Stoney and home to some of the best Voice Teachers and Vocal Coaches in the world.
Ep. 31 "Changing Your Style"

10/20/2012 Ep. 31 "Changing Your Style"

Are you feeling stuck just singing one style of music? Do you feel that everything you sing sounds the same? In Episode 31, Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching discusses ways to expand your stylistic horizons to be able to sing new styles of music while still maintaining what makes your sound unique.