Ep. 63 "Head Voice POWER!"

Released Sunday, June 22, 2014

Many singers are working on a strong Chest Voice and Mix. But, what about Head Voice and Falsetto? Can those be strengthened too? In Ep. 63, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching shows how to add POWER to the upper registers through vocal tips, exercises, and demos.

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7/27/2012 Ep. 21 "Falsetto Vs. Head Voice"

Sorry for the audio issue. What's the difference between Falsetto and Head Voice? Voice Teacher Justin Stoney hopes to answer this question clearly and to end the confusion between the two once and for all. Learn the difference between these registers in Episode 21.
Ep. 8 "Hard Consonants"

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Is a song difficult in any key, no matter whether you raise it or lower it? Join Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching as he explores this mystery!
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