Ep. 71 "How To Belt Trilogy Part 2 - Mixed High Notes"
Released Thursday, November 6, 2014
Want to learn how to sing high notes? Want them to be to strong high notes? You’re in luck! In Part 2 of our “How To Belt Trilogy”, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney explores the “best” variety of belting - the Chest Dominant Mix. Belting high notes requires the blend of flexibility and strength that only the Mix can provide. Learn how this works in the second part of our trilogy!
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It’s nice to have a great voice. But, it’s essential to have a voice that LASTS. In Episode 107, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching explores the essentials of vocal stamina. Take the test in the episode to find out if your stamina is a vocal dud or a vocal stud!